About Us

In 2024, The Big Help Out will return and align with Volunteers’ Week from Friday 7th to Sunday 9th June. The Big Help Out is open to all, and any organisation or individual can join in with or register an event via the Big Help Out Platform that is available on web browser and as a downloadable mobile app.

The objective of The Big Help Out is to raise awareness of volunteering throughout the UK and provide opportunities for people to experience volunteering and make a difference in their communities. This is not a profit making or fundraising initiative.

This website is hosted by the /together initiative in support of The Big Help Out. You can find out more about the /together initiative here.

To register as an individual, an organisation or a business, or find out more about the opportunities available please access the app via the home page of this site.

Media and press enquiries to media@together.org.uk

The Big Help Out & Thank You Day

We know that the more touch-in points we can have with communities, the more likely they are to continue engaging in community activity.

Therefore, 1 month after The Big Help Out we’re inviting you to take part in Thank You Day and say a great big Thank You to all the volunteers that took part in The Big Help Out!

The Big Help Out: 7-9th June 2024
Recruit new volunteers!

Part 1: Big Help Out brings millions of people from across the UK to join the biggest mass volunteering event of the year. The campaign empowers influential organisations like yours, by providing a brilliant platform to recruit new volunteers that will go on to support important missions that benefit our communities.

Thousands of organisations and individuals will take part and if you are planning to get involved in the Big Help Out this year, thank you!

Thank You Day : 7th July 2024
Say thank you to your old volunteers and new!

Part 2: Thank You Day comes just one month after Big Help Out. Now in its fourth year, it’s a day dedicated to connecting with each other over gratitude by saying a great big Thank You to people like volunteers, and local legends who make our communities great!

Who’s behind these two campaigns?

The /together coalition – a coalition of hundreds of organisations across the UK, committed to building kinder, closer, and more connected communities.

Whilst both campaigns have a unique focus, they share a single vision to bring communities together particularly across divides

Bring communities together.

Why take part in Thank You Day – a proven campaign and increasingly an embedded part of the UK’s summer!

“We already know that social anxiety is the main barrier to taking part in volunteering for almost 1 in 5 young people.

But, 71% said that Thank You Day made them speak to their neighbours.

This indicates that re-engaging the volunteers through a fun community experience like Thank You Day could be a great way to overcome these barriers and retain them.”

After taking part in the Big Help Out you will have successfully engaged with volunteers and joining Thank You Day will give you an opportunity to re-engage the volunteers you recruited in 2024 while also tapping into new audiences.

Last year, 6.3 million people took part in Thank You Day giving a great chance for organisations to reconnect with and retain new volunteers. This year’s theme ‘Community Takeovers’, can further help you target hard-to-reach audiences while also using the 7th of July to thank all your volunteers for the hard work.

There is no better time to thank both volunteers and employees who work hard to make your organisation great and support the impactful work that you are doing.